Today is Miss Lexie's birthday! She is 6 years old and has been with me since she was 3. I'm sure she woke up this morning with no idea that this was her special day. For her it's just another day in the cycle of "feed me...love me... play with me... feed me some more... throw the ball... can I have another biscuit... love me... play with me, and feed me some more!! Her day will be filled, as usual, with all that she loves and enjoys, for our pets live in the moment (or so they say), which is probably something we should all try and practice in our own lives. For me, this day marks another wonderful year with her by my side. In the scheme of life, it is cruelly unfair that our pets live such short lives. Having lost my first dog, Tyler and the early age of 9, it reinforces to me how precious each day is with our furry friends. There is a poem on my bulletin board that says it all:"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.
You are his life, his love, his leader.
He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart.
You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion. - Anonymous
So whether or not today is your pets special day, take the time to give them an extra kiss, hug, pat, biscuit or that special place on the sofa. You will be rewarded for that love ten times over.
Very sweet. Big love to our precious Lexie. She is all heart isn't she?
Happy Birthday Lexie. You are a good mom to your baby.
I agree, we have our pets for such a short time in our lifetime. We must love and appreciate them every single day.
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